


Warning - duplicate function element "_" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/i18n.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "bindtextdomain" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/i18n.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "textdomain" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/i18n.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "ClearAttachments" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/src/read_body.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "getSig" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/file_prefs.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "setSig" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/file_prefs.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "getPref" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/file_prefs.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "removePref" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/file_prefs.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "setPref" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/file_prefs.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "checkForPrefs" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/file_prefs.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.
Warning - duplicate function element "cachePrefValues" in file /data/sm/smdevel/squirrelmail/functions/file_prefs.php will be ignored. Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.

Documentation generated on Mon, 3 May 2004 23:20:12 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.2.3